Current Campaign


The All American High School Film Festival is the premier destination for talented high school filmmakers all over the world. But what about the teachers working in the trenches to help bring these student projects to life? What’s available to these invaluable professionals? Turns out, not much… So we created the Video Production Resource Community, a destination for video production teachers seeking resources and community! Not only are we opening up our vault of nearly 15,000 student films, but we are coupling them with professionally written lesson plans ready for classroom use. We feel one of the best tools a teacher can have is relevant, peer-created content.

We also recognize that many questions arise while producing student films. For this, VPRC offers you two invaluable resources: the ability to communicate with other Video Production teachers throughout the country and monthly opportunities to ask industry professionals questions. On top of these great resources we are also offering exclusive festival perks like early registration and teacher networking events. Plus the opportunity for VPRC teachers to compete for our annual VPRC Educator of the Year Award with a $1,000 cash prize!