Current Campaign

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Our Film Invitational Competition provides participating students with a real-world, independent film production experience in the heart of New York City. At the heart of our competition is a 10-week pre-production process, complete with mentorship and resources, designed to illuminate the importance of project development, organization and preparation. This focus on the process elevates the educational impact of the competition, ultimately empowering participating teams to exhibit tangible skills growth while producing the  highest possible content quality.

Since inception in 2015, the Film Invitational Competition has hosted nearly 500+ diverse student teams from all over the world providing an unparalleled, immersive educational experience.

"I can't thank you enough for the opportunity to bring m kids to New York. the Kids have been exclaiming how much they have learned and they are all inspired to work hard and submit more projects for next year's festival. What you guys have put together has been an inspiration for thousands of students." - Michael Logan, Prosper High School

"Thank you so much for an amazing, invaluable immersion experience. My students are still amped up reflecting on AAHSFF & F.I. Through laughter, tears, joy, frustration, celebration -- we learned so much, enjoyed the city, and felt like real filmmakers. This opportunity is unparalleled. We had so much fun tother and returned to Austin with amazing memories and take-aways." -
Emily McIntyre, Westlake High School